GEM is the abbreviation for Genius Event Management. It is one of companies under PSN (Program Siswa Niaga). The main objective of this company is to develop business skills and encourage students to run their own business in future. GEM consist of 19 members of Year 1 and 12 members of Year 2.
Organisation chart:
Adviser: Puan Mawarzah binti Dali @ Mahat
CEO: Hafizul Faiz bin Mohd Azizi
Vice CEO: Nurshafizan Amalina bt Rahamzan
Secretary: Mohamad Farhan bin Bong Tamam
Vice Secretary: Siti Khadijah binti Badar Sharif
Treasurer and Department Of Finance:
Muhammad Hafizuddin bin Abdul Halim
Nik Muhamed Arif bin Muhamed
Nurul Aliah binti Mohd Asarani
Department Of Marketing:
Nur Akmal bin Mohd Nordi
Khairul Sabrin bin Ahmad
Nurul Ezzati binti Mahayadin
External PR
Nur Liyana binti Yahya
Amalina Norazman
Muhammad Ridhuan Azlan
Internal PR
Muhammad Mikhail bin Shamsul Bahar
Mohd Fahmi bin Maslan
Nurul Syamim binti Zulkifly
Department Of Operations
Muhammad Idris Syafiq bin Sahibin
Muhammad Syahmi bin Abd Rahman
Syazwani Dan binti Adnan
Some of the activities held are:
1. 1.Organising Eid celebration in college
2. 2.Catur Bestari (UKM)
3. 3.Barbeque
4. 4.Feast for KASUKMA Volunteer

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